Sunday, August 8, 2010

Almost there!

I just have to wrap up a paper here to close out spring semester at Ben-Gurion University. Doesn't feel much like spring here in the baking oven that is Israel in August. I made it through exams in one piece. Room for improvement? Absolutely. But I'm feeling incredible to have these doozies: epidemiology, budget management & planning, & pathophysiology-all in Hebrew-in my rearview mirror.

I'll have to throw a bunch of links for your reading pleasure (ok, maybe most of this isn't the most leisurely reading), and then get back to work...
I'll start with friend Elana Kieffer's article on behalf of the Israel Defense Forces' Spokesperson's Unit about last week's Lebanese attack across our northern border, killing one soldier and seriously wounding another. This Jerusalem Post editorial urges a new approach to Lebanon from the US. I'd urge as I regularly do that you follow AIPAC's latest action items. Barry Rubin answers who's to blame for conflict in the Middle East. Here's a column about Shimon Peres versus the Brits. You probably see all about Israel oppressing Palestinians if you read, say, the New York Times. Less likely that you've seen measures that the Palestinian Authority’s security forces are taking against those connected to Hamas. I did find this Times op-ed enlightening on Arab views towards the Palestinians. Also interesting are a David Horovitz interview with deputy defense minister Matan Vilna’i and this Wall Street Journal piece on changing Arab-Israeli relations.

In lighter news, it's always fun watching coverage of the latest Nefesh B'Nefesh flight full of new olim to Israel. And if you managed to miss clown Amare Stoudemire's interview on an Israeli sports channel, and feel like a laugh, check it out. Interesting that he hasn't had his bat mitzvah yet.

I'm afraid the only thing I'll be writing for now is that essay. See you back here after I get that bad boy off the to-do list. For now, let's go Texas Rangers!

שבוע טוב, וחודש טוב,