Friday, July 2, 2010

4 years...+ another week

...since Gilad Shalit was kidnapped inside Israel and taken into Gaza in captivity by Hamas. Last week's fourth anniversary was commemorated around the world. I think this Jerusalem Post editorial voices a level-headed approach to the debate. As for whom we're dealing with in Hamas, here's their charter, translated by the wonderful Middle East Media Research Institute. Take a look at the insanity that is Hamas.

Here's the latest barrage of links...Important info on the humanitarian situation in Gaza from: Arutz Sheva, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs.

If only it would be so easy to create 5 states as Daniel Gordis devised here. Here's a Wall Street Journal column on "world opinion" and Israel. Here's Barry Rubin on the repercussions of Israel easing the blockade of Gaza, and then dissecting Obama's White House statement on Gaza. Here's an interesting David Horovitz-Tony Blair interview. Daniel Pipes voices his always strong opinions about the Jihadi terrorism debate here. Will Islam ever accept Israel? Take a look here.

In domestic news--we seem to be paying for the Israel Water Authority's incompetence, and the traditionally outstanding Israeli health care system needs an inordinant amount of work to stay strong.

I admittedly didn't get to check out Richard L. Rubenstein aside from the bio provided here, but he has nothing nice to say about President Obama. I certainly like to hope he's way off. However, the way that, in my eyes, Obama has time and again said and done the wrong thing when presented with the opportunity to do like Spike Lee did, "Do the Right Thing," I am concerned.

For something completely different, check out this cool Herbie Hancock interview about his musical globalization efforts.

Here's my letter to Anat Dotan-Amar's son:
Dear Rotem Yair,
Your mother Anat epitomized everything I have come to love about our country, Israel. She radiated light, joy, and celebration through her incredible smile and love for this place and for her fellow Jewish people. That light that she brought into the world will shine on. Your middle name Yair could not be more appropriate--you, please G-d, will illuminate the world just like your mom did.

I’ll never forget Anat’s contributions to our OTZMA year: from passionately organizing our Partnership 2000 groups' visits to see countless volunteer opportunities (for us Chicagoans, in Kiryat Gat), to impeccably leading our tour of the Kotel Tunnels (as she had while an IDF tour guide), to conveying to us how influential the poet Rachel and Naomi Shemer were to her while we visited their graves at the Kinneret Cemetery, to a hundred laughs over a falafel in the mall...the range of Anat’s impact is unfathomable.

A simple thing will stick with me and keep me smiling, optimistic, and more energized than ever to emulate Anat and make a positive impact on Israeli society--your mother’s smile. It could melt all the seemingly endless tension here in the Middle East, and around the world.

As for me, two exams down, which makes me halfway there. They went well, as dad last night's Hebrew placement exam. Here's hoping I can get the Hebrew exemption, which is required to receive a degree from an Israeli university, with as few semesters of extra Hebrew Ulpan as possible.

Gotta throw together a dish for lunch tomorrow and get my Shabbat rest on! Love from Jerusalem,

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