Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Endings, and new Beginnings

As Chanuka comes to an end...Today I will take part for the third time in the amazing Shorashim taglit trip for Asperger's participants!

And in the morning, I will briefly begin transitioning into my new role as Coordinator for the Southern Region of La'ad, a Jewish Agency for Israel volunteer-based project clarifying rights and benefits to Holocaust survivors throughout the Negev.

As for the beautiful eighth night of Chanuka, I caught Mom, Amy and her boys on Skype. What a treat it was to see/hear Jake (above) continuing Dad's tradition of playing piano concerts for me on Skype. Jake nailed "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star!" Beforehand, I lit candles
with my roommates (yes, of course, the maize and blue Michigan chanukia is mine--let's GO BLUE and win the Sugar Bowl!).

Off to bed, but I'll quickly relate a nice lesson I heard at Masa's office Chanuka celebration: unlike many gifts, the gift of light involves giving something (as the shamash candle gives light to the other candles) that remains with the giver. May we all spread light and joy and enjoy the priceless moments together on the holidays.

Much love from Beer Sheva,

P.S. Can't resist throwing in this ESPN review of the Mavericks' unforgettable 2011.


  1. Eric- I just recently checked your blog...i haven't been on it since your Dad passed away. I am so sorry to learn about his passing from over a year ago. I do not have your email address, but i wanted to reach out to you and let you know i am sorry for your loss.


    1. thanks so much dear Daphne--so sorry we didn't catch you. thanks for your condolences!
